With the debut of the latest streaming service, Disney+—which boasts an extensive catalogue of Disney-owned content—came the latest instalment of the Star Wars franchise, The Mandalorian. The series follows follows a bounty hunter, played by Pedro Pascal, navigating the galaxy far from the New Republic. The events of the show take place five years after 1983's Return of the Jedi, the third film of the OG Star Wars franchise. All of this sounds dope for any Star Wars fan, but the only thing the Internet seems to care about in regards to new series, is the creature that has come to be known as Baby Yoda.
The name given to this little green bundle of cuteness by the Internet is, of course, a reference to the Jedi master himself; however, the character cannot be some infant version of actual Yoda, since he would have already died by the time the series' events occur. No, "Baby Yoda" is merely of the same species as regular Yoda, and is actually meant to be 50-year-old, despite looking like an absolute newborn. Needless to say, Twitter went crazy about the little guy, creating a new meme that has united practically everyone.
As is the case with any good meme, Baby Yoda is relatable as hell, and Twitter users have taken to using photos and gifs of the creature to identify their own experiences.
It's safe to say that the character is a hit, and will likely increase the intrigue of the series for non-Star Wars fans. All hail Baby Yoda!