On Friday, May 8th, Netflix will be unveiling a new drama series titled The Eddy. The show centers around a jazz club owner in Paris, who struggles to maintain his club as well as his personal life. The show stars Andre Holland, Joanna Kulig and Amandla Stenberg.
Prior to the show hitting Netflix, Jorja Smith is helping with the roll out, releasing a brand new song that is featured in The Eddy. The song remains true to the series' theme, as it is a fully jazzed out record from Jorja, who typically offers us more serene, r'n'b soundscapes. Nonetheless, it's nice to hear from the UK singer who has been keeping quite a low profile these days-- in fact this is the first proper release we've received from her in 2020, and even in 2019, her releases were rather scattered.
All that to say, we'd love a follow-up to Jorja's Lost & Found debut. But for now, we'll take the horn-riddled "Kiss Me in the Morning." Take a listen and check out the new Netflix series on Friday.