Aside from appearing on Love & Hip Hop Hollywood, former NBA star Daniel "Booby" Gibson has laid low. His name has made headlines as it's been connected with the yearslong divorce from Keyshia Cole. As she's preparing to give birth to her baby that she shares with new boyfriend Niko Khalé, Gibson tells The Domenick Nati Show that he doesn't harbor any ill will to his estranged wife and wishes her nothing but the best. He did, however, want to clear up rumors about their pending divorce.
"There were some things in there that wasn't finalized, but we both have came to agreements on it as far as like, seeing DJ and making sure it's split down the middle in terms of our time with him and where he stays weekly," Gibson said. "That's pretty much it. So, it's done, it's just a matter of it being filed and presented to the court. We've all came to an agreement on what we want."

When asked if there would ever be a chance that he and Keyshia would ever get back together, Gibson made it clear: "Absolutely not! There's no chance." He does say that he and Keyshia do have contact with one another because they have to co-parent. "Anything outside of that is dead. There's nothing else there." He has a new girlfriend named Sinfony Rosales who he's been dating for "six months to a year." According to Gibson, they're taking things slow.
Contrary to previous reports, Gibson denies claims that he and his ex have ever been in a custody battle and he says neither has requested money or support from the other. "I've never came out and said anything negative about her and never will. Outside of her telling that I cheated on her, she hasn't really either. That's just not how we rock. We've never wanted anything from the other person."
Check out what else Gibson had to say about his former Love & Hip Hop Hollywood castmates and LeBron James not making it to the NBA Playoffs this year below.