After spending nearly a full decade as one of the most skilled, talented, and driven members of the hip-hop community, Kendrick Lamar can confidently say that he'll never be broke again. His mentality remains that of a man who's willing to risk everything to get a dollar but he no longer requires a constant reminder on his arm. At this point, it's ingrained in his mind that he needs to continually work hard to stay at the level he's at right now. After winning a Pulitzer Prize for his musical contributions over the years, Kung Fu Kenny is ready for the next stage of his career and he's ushering in a new era by covering up his old ink with some new art.

Kendrick Lamar seems like the type of person who would research tattoo artists to perfectly execute his ideas. Many celebrities, or people with too much money altogether, generally don't conduct that much research when they're thinking of getting new tattoos, leaving the session with some pretty terrible work. Kendrick did not go to a scratcher though. When he decided to get his "Hustle Like You Broke" tat covered up, he decided on Brazilian artist Davi Escobar to do the job, showing off the realistic result on his social media pages. As noted by HHNM, the existing art on his forearm contained a money bag and the aforementioned phrase. The new work is nearly indescribable but it is beautiful and extremely well-done. In total, it took sixteen hours to complete the cover-up.
Take a look at the new piece on Kenny's arm below.