Katie Couric, a famous journalist who worked alongside Matt Laurer, spoke at the Dress for Success annual Women Who Inspire event on Wednesday and spoke about Laurer and the allegations against him, as well as the #MeToo movement as a whole.

"As you can imagine, I’ve thought a lot about this over the last two years because it has been, to use the phrase that many have used, a reckoning," Couric said, according to Variety. "It’s been painful for me on many levels, especially when it comes to understanding what was going on with Matt, who I think ultimately turned out to be two very different people, in terms of my relationship with him versus some of the other things that were going on."
Couric believes having more women hold higher positions in the industry could help prevent future incidents.
"We need many more women in leadership positions in journalism and broadcast news," Couric said. "Things don’t really change unless you have a woman with real authority and decision-making opportunities, and I really do believe that the atmosphere of a company and the standards, they all come from the top."
Dress For Success is a non-profit organization that helps women succeed in the business.