The much-hyped "Drake Vs. Lil Wayne" tour begins on Friday at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, and now Capcom, one of the tour's sponsors, has unveiled an app that will accompany the tour. "DvsLW," as it's called, will debut tomorrow on Google Android and Apple iOS.
According to Billboard, the app "will enable fans to select their city, pick a side (Drake or Lil Wayne) during each night's rap battle and "button mash" as if they were playing the latest Ultra Street Fighter IV video game to help their favorite rapper 'power up' and impact their performances in real time."
Look for it in Google Play and the Apple app store under "Drake vs Lil Wayne," and check out screenshots above. A trailer for the app is below.
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"Drake Vs. Lil Wayne" Tour Now Has A Street Fighter-Style App