The second mixtape era, which took place at the turn of the latest decade, featured some incredible work from names like A$AP Rocky, Wiz Khalifa, the late Mac Miller, and Future. Given that a transitionary phase was taking place within the industry, many classic tapes moved massive units with little to no chart recognition; after all, these projects were largely circulated online long before streaming emerged as the status quo. Though it's certain that projects like Future's Monster would have translated into massive commercial hits, it simply proved too difficult to track the play count.
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Now, the landscape has shifted. Monster recently hit streaming services, and thus, the streams can be translated into a tangible number. No doubt fueled by a resurgence of nostalgic interest, Future's cult class tape has officially secured its first-ever spot in the Billboard 200. According to OurGenerationMusic, Future's tape slid into the 120th spot, not too shabby for a five-year-old release.
Upon your revisitation of Monster, did you find yourself looking at the project in a different light? Read our own retrospective, as penned by Noah C, right here.