Love & Hip Hop ATL Episode 10 Recap: Che Mack Gets Cheated On

BY Aida C. 3.3K Views
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ake Presented to the cast) at the VH1 "Love and Hip Hop Atlanta" premiere party
Epic fights, unfortunate news, and surprise trips in this week's episode.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead. 

Check out the previous episode's recap here

In this week's Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta episode, Che Mack finds out the truth about her baby daddy's whereabouts, Sierra attempts to squash the beef with Tokyo, Spice and Akbar V and much more...


Karlie Redd and Spice were featured on Young Joc's morning show. Herein, Spice announced that she was still moving forward with the black hypocrisy agenda and would be taking a trip to Africa soon. In addition to the aforementioned trip, the rapper also surprised the cast with a trip to Trinidad with all expenses covered. 

Karlie was excited by the idea of revisiting her home country. While Joc hesitated at first, considering the drama between Kendra and Karlie, a heartfelt discussion with his girlfriend later changed his mind. As of yet, the invited guests are Rasheeda, Kirk, Joc, Kendra, Shekinah, Karlie, Tokyo, and Spice. 


Sierra attempts to mediate a conversation between her friends: Akbar V, Tokyo Vanity, and Spice. As we may recall from the last episode, the three got into it after Akbar V's timely rap diss at a talent show. Akbar clearly felt a way about the other female rappers whom she claimed "flew here" while she "grew here." Though she meant well, Sierra found it hard to facilitate the conversation and things quickly went left. Akbar V walked out of the not-so-amicable session, cursing out everyone including Sierra.  

Aside from the drama, Sierra admitted to still be hurt by Pooh's antics with her former bae, BK. Despite this, she emphasized the importance of moving on and revealed to have received flowers from a secret admirer. As of yet, the flowers may have been sent by ladies man Scrapp DeLeon whom she met during a charity event. However, only time will tell. 


With Karlie still in the crosshairs with Pooh, she has managed to keep things smooth with her fiance, Mo. As recently announced, the reality star would be embarking on a marvelous journey to her home country of Trinidad with her peers. And though her fiance wants her to enjoy the trip, Mo wants to ensure she doesn't have too much fun. As such, Karlie's future husband set a 2 AM curfew for her to respect. Although Redd was not a fan of it, she agreed to it as one of the many compromises which come with marriage. 

Moreover, Karlie revealed to Mo' that she had receipts that proved Pooh was lying about their sexual encounter. A recording of Pooh's husband Hiram was retrieved, wherein the music producer denied ever touching Karlie. 


The previous episode consisted of nothing but drama for Pooh Hicks and this week's episode does not differ. Pooh showed up to Sierra's salon where Mimi, Tokyo, and Sierra were amidst a full-on bashing session about her. As Pooh tried to explain herself to Sierra with regards to the ordeal about BK, the two bumped heads. And because Pooh's communication skills tend to fail her at times, a specific insult resulted in her expulsion from the hair shop. Shortly afterward, Pooh sat down with Mimi to understand why she didn't have her back. Because she felt bad, Mimi decided to invite Pooh to Trinidad. Evidently, such a decision can only lead to trouble as Karlie is also attending.  

Much later, Hiram comforted his wife Pooh and revealed his phone call with Karlie. Accordingly, the producer shared that Karlie had her daughter on the line which is why he denied having sexual relations with her. The former made Pooh livid and further hinted that the Karlie and Pooh drama has just begun. 


Couple Kirk & Rasheeda left their drama-filled couple's retreat behind and brought their focus back to business. With numerous stores in different cities, the couple is now planning on opening up a restaurant in Atlanta. As such, a lot of planning is to be done which leaves no time for the two to meddle in personal affairs. Though a visit from Kirk's daughter, Kelsey, brought the couple to reconsider their ways. 

Kelsey came to announce that Canon, Kirk's love child with castmate Jasmine, was sick and would not be able to spend time with his father this week. While Kirk was displeased with the news, his daughter nabbed the opportunity to discuss their current arrangement. Precisely, Kelsey no longer wants to be the middle man between Kirk and his baby mother, Jasmine. And the former is understandable considering the ensuing back and forth. In response, Kirk revealed to have agreed to a no-contact rule with Rasheeda, herein which he would not contact Jasmine directly.  


An urgent call to Shekinah from Che Mack led to a saddening revelation. Che Mack found condoms in the bedroom she shares with her baby father. Considering the two no longer use condoms, it did not take much to figure out what was going on. Shekinah urged Che Mack to leave him and so she did. Moreover, in following the girl code, Shekinah pulled up on a studio session with Tokyo and Che Mack's baby daddy, Made Man. Shekinah immediately confronted him and happily announced that Che Mack had left him. 


Scrapp DeLeon gave back to the community through some charity work. The ex-con partnered up with a pastor to help cover the bail payments of incarcerated folks and free them from jail. While the focus of the episode was not on Scrapp's storyline, the pastor did give him advice about finding and securing a good woman. As such, we may expect another lady lover to come into Scrapp Deleon's life.

Moreover, Scrapp met Sierra for the first time, thanks to Akbar V. The two chatted it up and Scrapp shared his motivations behind the charitable acts. Surprisingly, the rapper somewhat put his uncle Stevie J on blast by telling Sierra that he did time because Stevie had failed to show up in court and speak favorably of him.

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