Dan Bilzerian's 4/20 party has landed him in some hot water with PETA. The "King Of Instagram" held a party in Los Angeles this past weekend to celebrate the cannabis-centric holiday but the appearance of a captive bear has prompted the animal rights group to file documents with the Los Angeles Department of Animal Service in hopes that he'd be hit with a $100K fine.

PETA's been keeping a look out on Dan Bilzerian over the past few years. The millionaire-socialite shared a video of himself hand-feeding a captive bear at his 4/20 party. PETA's accusing Dan, as well as Steve Martin's Working Wildlife, of failing to acquire the proper permits to have a live bear in the open. They filed docs against Martin and Dan to the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife and L.A. Department of Animal Services, claiming there were no proper permits to have a bear out in the open.
“Bears belong in the wild, not in captivity, pimped out as props by shameless pseudo-celebrities like Bilzerian for Instagram ‘likes,'” says PETA Senior Vice President Lisa Lange. “PETA is calling on authorities to throw the book at scofflaw animal exhibitor Steve Martin and the man who hired him for this dangerous stunt.”
PETA's urging officials to fine Martin for not keeping a safe-distance between party-goers and the bear while calling for Dan to be fined.
Dan responded to their claims, saying that he loves animals and that he also appreciate those fighting for animal rights. However, he believes PETA simply is trying "to do the typical internet bandwagon on whatever is popular and come after me for feeding what seemed to be a very healthy happy bear, that was rescued at a young age." He added that the company could, "They can suck my d**k.”