When Blueface told the world that he had slept with over a thousand women since blowing up, he may have been selling himself a little short. The Los Angeles-based rapper is back on his "Dirt Bag." He admitted as much on his new project, reminding us all that he can bag any girl he wants. Even though he's selective with his women sometimes, he still finds a lot of time to study the female body, upping the ante during a recent video interview and saying that his previous estimation of 1,000 was a little off.

Speaking with a radio host about his claims, Blueface said that he might have been a little humble. He gave the issue some thought and came back with a more realistic number, amplifying his old amount by double digits. The Cash Money West artist is no longer telling folks that he's had sex with a thousand women since his claim to fame. Now, the number is 10,000.
"I might have been a little humble," said the rapper, who was wearing his new diamond-encrusted bandana chain. "They said the average was five a day." When asked about his actual body count, Blue gave his 10K approximate before adding, "fuck it" and laughing.
So, what do you think the real number is because this also seems like an exaggeration.