Rebirth fans, rejoice. Lil Wayne is once again steering into rock territory, this time letting his homie Travis Barker take the wheel. And while you might have expected the course to head in one direction, lo and behold Barker swerved down another lane altogether. One in which strip-clubs, glorious strip clubs lie in waiting. If the road trip wasn't fun enough, they got Rick Ross on the rideshare; you already know he's questioning whether he made the right decision, but a boss is never one to voice a complaint out loud.
For the most part, "Gimme Brain" is mindless fun, equivalent to a bender at the "booty club" as Renzel eloquently puts it. Available exclusively in select international markets for the time being, the Travis Barker single points a new direction for the legendary drummer. And yet, it's so unapologetically boisterous, the musical equivalent of a bachelor party gone awry, that it's hard to look down on it. Check out the star-studded romp that is "Gimme Brain" now, with the full drop hitting midnight.