Mobile Suit Gundam is one of the most iconic animated franchises in the world and boasts shows and video games that have seen a plethora of success over the last few decades. This year, Mobile Suit Gundam celebrated its 40th anniversary and are marking the occasion with a brand new collection of sneakers which is a collaboration between 361 Degrees China and Sunrise.
There are four different silhouettes included in the pack with six sneakers overall which will give Mobile Suit Gundam fans plenty of options to choose from. The sneakers in this collection will cost between $60-$70 USD and there are even some collector's editions of the shoes which are a bit more expensive at $100 USD.
If you're looking to purchase these special sneakers, you can do so right here, although beware there is a bit of a language barrier. If you're a fan of the series, these are certainly a must-cop and if you're a sneakerhead, they're a great way to add to your collection.
Let us know what you think of these shoes and whether or not you would rock them.