A Cartoon Network favorite among adults and kids alike is Steven Universe, an animated series that has been on television since 2013. After five seasons and 160 episodes, Steven Universe is in development to have its own movie, and some big names are attached to the forthcoming musical.
According to reports, the principal cast will remain intact—including British R&B singer Estelle, who regularly lends her voice to the character of Crystal Gem Garnet. Additional musical collaborators and performances for the animated film are to include Gallant, James Fauntleroy, Macie Stewart, aivi & surasshu, and Chance The Rapper. Steven Universe creator Rebecca Sugar will continue as the show's songwriter and will pen new music for the movie. Chance has signed on to act as an executive producer and will be contributing tunes of his own for the musical.
The movie is said to be a continuation of where the television series left off. Deadline reports the synopsis as: “Steven thinks his time defending the Earth is over, but when a new threat comes to Beach City, Steven faces his biggest challenge yet.”