Antonio Brown was pulled over while driving his Porsche just outside of Pittsburgh back in November. It was reported that Brown was driving over 100 MPH in a 45 MPH zone which means he was clearly way over the speed limit. At the time, Brown was cited for reckless driving and ended up skipping out on his court date in February. Because of this, Brown was found guilty on his reckless driving charge and was ordered to pay $400, according to TMZ.
Instead of taking his L, Brown appealed the decision and appeared in court on Tuesday to discuss his charges. Instead of pleading guilty to reckless driving, the Oakland Raiders wide receiver was given the opportunity to plead guilty to a lesser charge of "Driving at a Safe Speed." This violation is a real law in Pennsylvania that constitutes as driving "a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions."
Instead of having to pay any hefty fines, Brown owed a measly $25 which won't really affect his bottom line considering he just signed a deal with the Oakland Raiders worth $50,125,000.
Brown will surely be focused on training now that this case is over. The Raiders are going to need him to be in top shape if they want any chance at being successful this season.