The passing of Nipsey Hussle is still a tragedy but the love and sense of community that's happening everywhere, especially in Los Angeles, is something that the late rapper is surely smiling down on. Evidence of Nipsey's reach with his music has been proven so strong since former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has shared a statement on the rapper's death.

"Was recently informed about the death of @NipseyHussle and I was saddened to hear about his death and the other 10 people killed in Los Angeles last week. How can one take someone's life so easily? 'Baby Don't Cry Gotta Keep Your Head Up Even when The Road is Hard Never Give Up,'" Mahmoud shared.
During Nipsey's memorial at the Staples Center last week, Karen Civil read a statement written by former American President, Barack Obama.
"I'd never met Nipsey Hussle, but I'd heard some of his music through my daughters, and after his passing I had the chance to learn more about his transformation and community work," the letter began. "While most folks look at the Crenshaw neighborhood where he grew up and see only gangs, bullets, and despair, Nipsey saw potential. He saw hope. He saw a community that, even through its flaws, taught him to always keep going. His choice to invest in that community rather than ignore a legacy worthy of celebration."
Long live, Nip.