When They See Us is a harrowing film by Ava DuVernay in which she shares the devasting story of the injustice bestowed on the Central Park Five. The teenagers were imprisoned for the assault and rape of Trisha Meili, as well as other attacks that occurred in the area. Sixteen-year-old Korey Wise was tried as an adult and after he was found guilty, he was sentenced to five to fifteen years in prison. The film depicts what led up to that infamous evening, showing that Korey was supposed to go on a date with his girlfriend Lisa, but instead decided he wanted to hang out with his friends in Central Park. The rest, as they say, is history.
Because it wasn't the focus of the film, there weren't any further details given about what happened between Korey and Lisa. During a recent Q&A session with fans on Twitter, someone wanted to know what happened with Lisa and whether or not she and Korey had the opportunity to reunite after his sentence was vacated. He spent 13 years in prison before evidence proved that a murderer named Matias Reyes was responsible.
DuVernay revealed that, unfortunately, Korey and Lisa never had the chance to reconcile. “I’m sorry. Korey never reconnected with his girlfriend from the time of his arrest,” she wrote. “Sadly, she passed away before he was released from prison 13 years later. Whenever Korey mentions Lisa to this day, he always adds 'Rest in Peace.' I truly hope she is."