T.I. & Tiny: Friends And Family Hustle Finale Pt 2: Tiny Returns To The Stage

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T.I. & Tiny: Family Hustle
"T.I. & Tiny: Friends & Family Hustle" finale brings a big concert for Tiny, a lake-house redux, and paintball therapy.

Let's get right into it. Here's what went down in the season finale of T.I. & Tiny: Friends And Family Hustle. Read last week's recap here, and part one of the finale right here. 

Warning: Spoilers ahead. 

Practice Makes Perfect

The time for Tiny to make her solo debut is drawing closer and closer, and the pressure is definitely on. After ditching the Ryder persona for her first show, Tiny is doubling down in the dance studio with a choreographer to make sure that she has what it takes to step out on her own. "I'm a mix of emotions for this show," says Tiny. "It's my first solo, unplugged show, it's right around the corner...if the show doesn't go over well, I'm just gonna make a fool out of myself in front of my friends and family."

Having never been on the stage by herself without the Xscape girls to perform with, Tiny's nerves threaten to take control of the show and stop her from realizing her dream of becoming a successful solo artist. "Goin' solo means get your shit together, get it tighter, and work harder," says a defiant Tiny, committed to overcoming her fears and rocking the stage by herself. 

The Talk 

Always the supportive husband, Tommi leaves Houston and jets back to Atlanta in order to support LeToya for her upcoming show as the opening act in Tiny's solo debut. After catching up with each other, LeToya drops the surrogacy bombshell on Tommi and he is unsurprisingly, overwhelmingly supportive. "Of course I would want you to continue having our children naturally, but seeing you laid up in the ER with IVs all in your arms...man, I don't want to see my wife in that situation again," says Tommi. "I'm not saying that we gotta do it for sure, but it's worth the conversation."

Pondering next steps, the two decide to meet up with a few potential surrogates to see if they're actually comfortable with the process of letting another woman carry and deliver their baby. 

The New And Improved Lake House 

After nine long, hard months of waiting, Tip's newly renovated lake house is ready and waiting for visitors. Bursting at the seam with over-the-top customizations, Tip and Tiny's new pad is truly a testament to their success as recording artists; there's no doubt that these renovations entered the high six-figures territory. Entering the new-and-improved Harris estate with her mouth agape in surprise, Tiny is completely overwhelmed by the change and can barely squeak out how much she "loves" it.

As there's no denying that Tip began the renovation process when he and Tiny were headed for divorce, the fact that he stepped up to the plate and designed the new additions with his wife in mind shows just how far they've come as a couple. "It feels like our house and I'm actually excited to move in now," says Tiny. 

Gloves Up 

Wanting to be in the best shape possible for her show, Tiny looks to fitness fanatic Toya and workout buddies LeToya and Monica to get her ready ASAP. Before getting in the ring, LeToya lets the girls know about her potential surrogacy plans and the ladies discuss the topic of more children. Recently pushed to the limit by Nae moving back in, Toya jokes that "girls are fun and cute but at a certain age they make you wanna box them up."

Thankfully, Toya won't have to pull up on Nae anytime soon because she drops the happy news that her daughter found a house that she loves and put an offer on it--but judging by her punches, she still has some steam to let off. 

Interview Time 

While LeToya is a bundle of nerves as she readies herself to interview potential surrogates, Tommi is calm, cool and collected as he bounds down the stairs sporting an all-white suit with no undershirt. "Interview jacket" or not, according to LeToya, her man is out here lookin' like a paper towel. While he protests at first, he eventually makes the right choice by changing his outfit.

After the two sit down and interview the potential surrogates, the reality of what it would take to grow their family hits the couple hard as they both agree to pump the brakes. While they definitely both still want more children, they're not sure yet which path to take.  "I felt kind of comfortable leaving the consultation, but the crazy thing is...I don't know if I'm ready yet," says LeToya. "This is a huge step that we're getting ready to make...I don't want to have any regrets. I still haven't given up on actually carrying our next child. 

After thoroughly enjoying the boxing exercise, Monica takes it upon herself to set up a stress relieving activity for herself and her girls. Taking the exercise to the next level, LeToya also tasked the group with bringing an item that symbolizes something in their lives that's holding them back so they can shoot it down in their paintball session. With Tiny shooting down an image of her old house as she readies to move into the lake house, Toya opts to knock out pain, anger, and fear while LeToya busts up a vision board filled with all of her insecurities. Still struggling to process the pain of her divorce, Monica brings out the big guns (literally) and brings out a wedding dress as her own personal paintball target.  

"Listen, I love love," says Monica. "I love marriage. I have absolutely nothing against it. I don't even have anything against mine...but before I go on tour, this is the opportunity to let go of some things that have been pent up inside." In a powerful display of both their bond and their individual strength, Toya, LeToya, Tiny and Monica let loose and conquer a physical symbol of their inner struggles. 

Let's Get Inked 

Taking their commitment to one another one step further, Toya and Red head to the tattoo shop together to get their daughter's name inked on both of their bodies. Making a huge stride on an issue that's been plaguing her the entire season, Toya lets Red know that she's open to changing her last name while adding the implication that wedding bells could be in their shared future. 

"I've done some personal work of my own," says Toya. "And I can honestly say that marriage is in my very near future." 

Tiny And LeToya Hit The Stage 

The day is finally here. It's time for Tiny's solo debut with LeToya acting as an opening act for the big reveal. Thankfully, the ladies' absolutely rocked their individual time on stage and both performances were met with standing ovations and hugs from their closest friends and family. 

"I think that it was a phenomenal performance," says Tip of his wife's time on stage. "She rose to the occasion, answered the call of adversity and I think that she's royalty."   

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