21 Savage gave his first post-release interview to CBS' Good Morning America. The rapper spoke on his own experience and his hopes for the those who are currently being detained without access to the same resources as those he earned through his elevated socio-economic status. His release was afforded by a bond of $100,000.
"I don't think the policy is broken. I feel like the way they enforce the policy is broken," he said. "I don't think you should be arrested and put in the same place a murderer would be just for being in a country for too long."

During the time he was in ICE custody, 21 was kept in complete solitude in one room for nine days. Though the experience has been difficult, the entertainer is keeping a positive attitude based in his resilience. "I've been through so much in my life," he stated. "I've learned to embrace the times that I'm down cause they always build me up."
"I didn't even know what a visa was. I was 7 when I first came here," he added. "I knew I wasn't born here, but I didn't know what that meant as far as when I transitioned into an adult, how it was gonna affect my life."
He vowed to bring awareness to the immigrant struggles. "I feel your pain and I'mma do everything in my power to try and bring awareness to your pain."