The R. Kelly situation is increasingly difficult to keep track of. After his interview with Gayle King, people are unsure who and what to believe. The majority of folks believe that the theatrics he pulled were a stunt, while some people are yelling out "Free R. Kelly" in the streets. Hopefully, more information is released during his trial. Until then, we're left wondering how this will play out. Kelly remains in jail right now for racking up a total of $161K in back child support. Apparently, his strategy to get out of this legal mess involves even more hysterics and crying in front of the judge because TMZ is reporting that R. Kelly is begging for his child support back payments to be reduced.

Yesterday, it was revealed that the singer only has $350K in his bank account. He was once worth over $150 million so to see such a dramatic decline is shocking. Kelly is reportedly trying hard to get the $161K that he owes Drea Kelly lowered dramatically. If that doesn't work out though, he's hoping that a third party can help him out again, like the daycare worker did when she bailed him out a few weeks ago. Obviously, he still has tremendous support from superfans so it probably wouldn't be too difficult to crowdsource nearly $200K to get him out.
Once the money has been raised, he will likely be released from jail.