Azealia Banks Drags Iggy Azalea, Predicts Career Foreclosure

BY Devin Ch 23.8K Views
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Iggy & Azalea
Azealia Banks isn't done dragging the cat across America.

Azealia Banks has been a thorn in Iggy Azalea's side ever since her debut in America.

It all started when Azealia accusing Iggy of stealing her namesake, claims that were proven untrue to some degree, the further you look into their shared timeline. Be that as it may, Azalea's disdain for Iggy is viewed as the "silver lining" among her many fault lines or hiccups.

Her most recent criticism of Iggy comes as the Naturalized-American has entered a promotional partnership with a dietary product that supposedly helps men and women reduce stomach inflammation. Iggy jumped on Instagram this week to promote the "Flat Tummy Tea" product, which incurred a livid response from Azealia, who if memories serves her right, was once the recipient of a mocking tongue-lashing for her Cheapy XO line of soap products. As you'll see below, Azealia used the "cheap shot" as a reference point in her most recent attack.

"Awww, iggy is Broke," Banks wrote over a screenshot of Iggy's promotional ad. "I remember when I had to do flat tummy tea ads for a little weave money. Those were rough times. And she had the nerve to make fun of my soap. Yikes."

But Banks wasn't done just yet.

“Never hating on a girl's hustle, but I predict she will be moving back in with her parents in Australia soon," she continued. "@thenewclassic, I can throw you a bone and pay you to promote the Kangaroo Jane shampoo bar if you are interested."

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