While Spider-Man has since joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sony retains the rights to many of iconic rogues gallery. As it happens, the studio is looking to act accordingly, having previously announced an upcoming Morbius movie. The film, which has already tapped Jared Leto in the titular role, will center around the vampiric Spider-Man villain.
Fans might remember the character from the excellent nineties animated series, where Michael Morbius found himself dealing with the dangers of "Neogenics." Upon finding himself transformed into a vampire, Morbius proceeded to undergo a surprisingly complex character arc.
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Now, with Leto tapped to take the lead, Morbius has added a key supporting player. Tyrese Gibson has officially joined the cast, as per Variety, though it's unclear who he will portray. In truth, the film will be an interesting experiment, as Morbius might be a difficult sell without Spider-Man. Yet drawing back to the iconic animated series, there was an episode in which Morbius and Blade found themselves at odds, forming an interesting and unexpected dynamic. Is it too much to hope that the spirit of the animated series will be kept alive?