We're saddened to report that Bushwick Bill, one of the members of the iconic rap group the Geto Boys, is facing the fight of his life as he squares up against a cancer diagnosis. The 52-year-old shared with TMZ that he was first told of his disease back in February and is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments, but that isn't slowing him down from working to make sure that he continues to build on his already solid legacy for his children.

"We see a mass on your pancreas and we can't understand because it's not alcohol, it's not sugar, it's not diabetes," he said as he recalled what his doctors initially told him. "They went through all kinds of stuff. And finally, by February 8, it was stage 4 pancreatitis cancer...I've been getting tested and they said it was a mass and they said it was benign. Does benign mean it could be cancer?" he said he asked the specialists. "And he was like, 'It's just a mass with no purpose.' It was just crazy to find out that pancreatic cancer is undetected until it's in the fourth or fifth stage."
"I've been keeping it to myself but I'm getting ready to tell Scarface and Willie D. I've only told close family members, that's about it. I figure keeping it to myself is not really helping nobody. It's not like I'm afraid of dying because if anyone knows anything about me from "Ever So Clear," I've died and came back already in June 1991 so I know what it's like on the other side so that's not what it's really about. It's about life and loving life and being there for family. Not just starting a dream or getting married or getting your first house and then finding out you've got pancreatic cancer. You can't even live out the rest of your dream."
"I just want people to be aware that when they set dreams and goals, they're healthy enough to fulfill and live." He's also working on various new projects to line up for release for when he passes away, whenever that time might be. "The reason why I'm doing three albums right now is because I notice when most celebrities pass, they really don't have nothing set up for their children and everything's in disarray. So, I figure old music will sell, yes, but if I have new music for them and I have a book and I have a documentary and I have any other endeavors that I get into now, at least they'll have residual income from those things instead of just knowing that I'm their dad and my old records are selling. I'd rather just know for sure that I did my part."