Mac Miller's untimely death was devastating for many, including his former girlfriend Ariana Grande. While she mourned, along with his fans, family, some people accused her of driving the rapper to his demise. Although some time has passed, some social media users are still attacking the "breathin" artist. She is constantly being accused of using the tragedy to her own benefit. The latest accuser earned a response from the songstress.
Ariana responded to someone who stated that she has been "milkin" Miller's death. Her message initially came with kindness: "i pray you never have to deal with anything like this ever and i’m sending you peace and love."
Her anger manifested itself only slightly the following tweet: "some of the sh*t i read on here makes me sick to my stomach. it scares me the way some people think and i don’t like this world a lot of the time. if only we could be more compassionate and gentle with one another. that’d be sick."
Halsey later came through in her defense: "ari the world could only dream of being as compassionate and gentle as you. and since ur being, as always, so classy and nice, allow me the honor of telling them to shut the f*ck up."
Ari concluded her sentiment soon after: "everything i feel is valid and safe. everything i do is genuine and honest. there is no right or wrong during this period."