Suga Free is phenomenal. Imagine erasing ten years of ring rust in a singlehanded motion. In that sense, Suga Free doesn't seem at all concerned with the comeback narrative that we've come to associate with his Resurrection LP. The Cali progeny that follow in his footsteps have only begun to read into his playbook, even though he persistently warns against non-experiential learning. Suga Free would be the first to tell you, the game isn't to be sold, pimping he was born into, like an inheritance, or a loopy gene pool.
It's hard to pick a favorite on Resurrection because all 21 of the songs selected take from the same basin of knowledge. It's on the 19th track, near the bottom of the proceedings, where Suga reaches his zenith form. "This Game Not For You," isn't the catchphrase of a jaded individual, like you'd be led to believe. It's actually an epithet he believes to the fullest.
Although Suga Free retired from 'the game' ages ago, "This Game Not For You" gives off an impression of a semi-repose, of a person who still itches to make direct contact in some way. Don't be a nerd, let those missing plotlines go untouched. It's not as if Suga Free has ever been the type to stop himself short at the breadline.
Quotable Lyrics:
I wasn't a good dope dealer
Always got caught
The homie was a passenger
But the gun was my fault.