The beloved TV series The Twilight Zone has once again returned, this time under the watchful eye of budding horror master Jordan Peele. With the official premiere having kicked off yesterday, CBS All Access has officially uploaded the first episode to YouTube for your streaming consumption. The new episode, titled "The Comedian," stars Kumail Nanjiani (The Big Sick) in the titular role, and follows a budding Comedian struggling to find common ground with his audiences.
In true Twilight Zone fashion, Kumail's character finds himself inserting more personal information and anecdotes into his routine, only to face some surreal and troubling real-world consequences. Fans of the original series will likely recognize the premise, as "The Comedian" is a remake of a previous episode, which appears to be a sign of things to come. Another recently aired episode of the series, “Nightmare at 30,000 Feet,” is also a new take on an original story, which suggests that Peele's reboot will be looking to the past for inspiration. For those seeking newfound, original stories, that might be a hard truth to face.
If you've seen it, what do you think about the new Twilight Zone?