Chris Brown's probation was revoked during the unfolding of his hit-and-run case (which has been dismissed), however it was reinstated on one condition-- that Breezy do 1,000 hours of community service. As you may recall, the D.A. alleged that Chris had forged his previous community service hours, and thus, he has to start back at zero.
Nonetheless, the singer is adamant that he didn't fake any hours, and took to his usual location of Twitter to lash out at the media, other rappers, and the general public.
Chris' rant started by calling out fake ganagster rappers, "Most of the rap niggas make me sick! All political! It's hip hop. All that gangsta shit y'all talk in y'all records... Boof!" He continued to encourage rappers to wear something other than their grandmother's curtains, "Grow some balls and y'all not being fashionable wit y'all grandmother's curtains on. Any problems... See my "by myself""
Chris went on to call the D.A. racist, "Nigga done 6 months community service wit police and the DA racist ass crying to the judge that I didn't do it. Fuck the SYSTEM!"
"How about y'all take care of all the homeless kids and families on skid row. Promote helping people that are really fucked up in your city!," Chris asked, then stating, "Family first! The LAW...last."
Finally, the r'n'b singer gave some insight into his works of art, "I paint pics of monsters because its a reflection of u bitchass niggas and this bitchass system!"