RiFF RAFF has a lot of up his sleeve this year. He unleashed his album, Pink Python earlier this year but he has a ton of other material on the way. The rapper came through today with his latest single which strays away from what we're typically used to hearing him do. The rapper made his debut as Dale Dan Tony with his new single, "Dreamland" which he's been teasing for the past week. The track has an 80s pop feel to it which Dale Dan Tony describes as "Million Dollar Mullet Music." It's lokey a banger, I must admit.
Aside from his new single, he announced yesterday that he'd be appearing in the new Sonic movie as his "first real movie role." He also announced plans to roll out a new album every month for the rest of the year. Keep your eyes peeled for that.
Quotable Lyrics
When I'm not around
Who will be there watching
As you fall asleep into a Dreamland
I'm wishing on a star
Wondering where you are