Matt Martians, one part of The Internet, has returned on the solo tip to drop off his The Last Party album. The new effort takes on the role of Martians' sophomore album, following up 2017's The Drum Chord Theory. This time around, he recruits Abby Rose, Steve Lacy, Daisy and Mac Demarco for assists.
"The Last Party is the last party of me being insecure about a lot of things in my life and being insecure with myself," Matt tells DJ Booth. "It’s like the last party of a lot of things I didn’t like about myself. The first party started when I started doing music and I started caring what people thought about my music, and I kinda got wrapped up in caring about what I was making as opposed to what I was making. This is the last party of me giving a fuck. The first party was me when I moved to the LA, or the first Internet album."