Robin Givens Dishes On Mike Tyson & Being Dubbed "Ground Zero" For #MeToo

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Givens & Tyson
Robin Givens credits herself with laying the foundation for the Global #MeToo movement.

In a recent guest appearance on the Wendy Williams Show, Robin Givens staked her claim as "ground zero" for the #MeToo movement. Robin Givens said, "I would like to believe I’m a better person for it—more compassionate, more loving." The moment in time she is referring to is her much-publicized domestic violence case with ex-partner Mike Tyson, incidents which led to her filing divorce papers in 1988, after the boxer allegedly threatened to kill her, in a violent outburst.

As host Wendy Williams pointed out, Givens was at once a victim of abuse, and gaslit by the male-dominated media as "the most hated woman in America," giving her an interesting distinction of helping promulgate the social movement pitted male aggression and harassment, inside the home, or otherwise.

"Somebody told me what you said, somebody said, ‘You were like ground zero of #MeToo,’" Givens said in reference to a past conversation. "I pray that anything I’ve gone through, however difficult it was for me, helped somebody else." During the segment, 

Video from the segment can be viewed here.

If you are unfamiliar with the media sensation created by Robin Givens' divorce of Mike Tyson, the following Barbara Walters interview withj odd couple should help you gain solid footing. To put everything in context, Givens was cast a veritable "money grubber" by a majority of Americans, after seeking a lucrative monetary package from Tyson in their divorce settlement. Times have certainly changed in that regard. 

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