Liam Neeson is a topic of debate right now since the actor expressed how he once wanted to kill a "black bastard" after his friend was raped. He admitted how crazy his intentions were, stating: "It’s awful. But I did learn a lesson from it, when I eventually thought, ‘What the fuck are you doing’, you know?" The Taken actor has since declared that he's not racist and his Widows co-star agrees with him.
Michelle Rodriguez was at the amfAR Gala yesterday and told Vanity Fair that Liam is not racist because he once kissed his Black co-star Viola Davis.

“It’s all f–kin’ bulls–t. Liam Neeson is not a racist,” she told the publication. “Dude, have you watched ‘Widows?’ His tongue was so far down Viola Davis’ throat. You can’t call him a racist ever. Racists don’t make out with the race that they hate, especially in the way he does with his tongue — so deep down her throat.”
She added: “I don’t care how good of an actor you are. It’s all bulls–t. Ignore it. He’s not a racist. He’s a loving man. It’s all lies.”
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