This weekend, Saturday Night Live concluded 2018 with their year-end finale, featuring host Matt Damon and musical guests Miley Cyrus and Mark Ronson. Naturally, the sketch comedy series couldn't stray from its usual banter on the Trump White House and now, the president is so fed up that believes legal action should be taken against the NBC show.
It was Sunday morning that Trump brought into question the rights of SNL to be able to make fun of elected officials. "It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials," he wrote. "Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?
Saturday's skit inlcuded a spin of the It's A Wonderful Life holiday classic in which the plot was flipped to envision a United States where Donald Trump was never elected president. Alec Baldwin, of course, assumed his position to portray Trump.
While Trump's point may have actually held legal weight in the 20th century, the The Fairness Doctrine, which required that TV and radio stations devote some of their programming to conroversial public issues and give airtime to opposing views on said issues, was abolished in 1987. Many users, including his own supporters, stepped in to remind President Trump that it is well within the First Amendment rights of Saturday Night Live to portray him however they see fit, also bringing in the element that nearly every presidnet since the show's inception has been the subject of various skits on the series.