NYPD Questions Two Officers For Not Helping Prevent Bronx Teen's Death

BYDavid Saric3.5K Views
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They need some answers.

The NYPD is investigating why two of its officers did not offer any aid to Lesandro "Junor" Guzman-Feliz as he bled to death on the sidewalk in the aftermath of a vicious gang attack last week. 

A police source notes how the "Internal Affairs Bureau is looking into the responding officers as to why they didn’t help the boy." 

Guzman-Feliz was attacked by a group of at least five Trinitarios gang members outside of a Bronx bodega, where he stumbled to the nearby St. Barnabas Hospital before collapsing a mere metres from the building. 

Cellphone video showcases the 15-year-old as witnesses tried to impede his massive blood loss with napkins. Two police officers are seen standing nearby observing the occurrence, but did not offer any aid.

One individual can be heard asking the cops "what are y'all doing about this?" 

While the Guzman-Feliz lay lifeless on the ground, a man can be heard telling him "Junior, you’re good. You’re good, bro. Just keep talking Just stay with us."

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