This comedian beef is getting heated.
After Katt Williams made his pot-stirring comments about Tiffany Haddish, Haddish and her Night School co-star Kevin Hart made a press appearance on the Breakfast Club where Williams' comments were addressed. Kevin Hart, however, made the mistake of dragging another female comedian into the mix when he attempted to call out Katt Williams for what he perceives to be a lack of mentorship, thereby giving him no right to make any comment on Haddish's talents.
“So when you say Tiffany Haddish doesn’t deserve or isn’t really a comedian, and these other women have worked hard, which they have,” he said. “Shoutouts to Melanie Comarcho, shoutouts to Luenell, shoutouts to Leslie Jones, who are all underneath the umbrella of Katt Williams. Katt Williams, have you ever used your platform to fucking bring the people that were under you up? You haven’t!”
Well, Leslie Jones reportedly didn't take kindly to Kevin Hart's reference for whatever reason and allegedly issued a statement to Bossip about the situation:
Real talk both of them n***as need to keep my name out they mouth unless they using it to eat my p***y REAL TALK!! None of those n***as put me on or any woman. While he talking about Katt what did he do to put women on he didn’t help females they wasn’t on his tour F*CK THAT N***A!! At least Katt put me on his tour. Kevin could have put me on a long time ago but he never respected me or my comedy and trust I can call his card he know I can. Both Kevin and Katt was the same to women like all these n***as in this game. Sh*tty. and still is. Women have never had it good. At least Katt put women on his tour or shows. How many shows back in the day didn’t have a woman on them. Kevin that mf told me one time I would never make it.
Further on in her statement, Leslie alludes to the fact that neither Kevin nor Katt did anything to help further her career, and that it was Chris Rock and comedian and writer Neal Brennan who initially put her on.
So I’m calling all cards I ain’t got to lie I made it without either one of them. Chris rock was the one who put Me on and Neal Brennan a WHITE comic/writer. Not them!! And I still had To work my f***ing ass off to make it happen!! So nobody is telling the truth! [...] What’s upsetting me is anybody SAYING ANYTHING!! Shut the f*ck up and do your f***ing job cause this ain’t it [...] Keep my name out your mouth I dont talk about any of you!!