Though an elusive being by nature, acclaimed artist Frank Ocean has given into the allure of Instagram promotion. It's been a minute since we've heard a fleshed out effort from Ocean, with last year's "Biking" standing out as his last foray into the spotlight. Of course, he contributed vocals to Travis Scott's "Carousel," though fans have their hearts set out on a new solo project. Now, given Frank's spontaneous moment of generosity, many have already begun speculating that a new Frank Ocean endeavor is on the horizon.
Days after making his Instagram public, Frank has wasted little time in utilizing the platform. Should you head over to his Blonded page and check out his story, you can catch Frank vibing to an unreleased banger. In truth, it's quite a different sound, more akin to the contemporary trap aesthetic than any of his favored soundscapes. Such might bode well for those who enjoy Frank "Bars" Ocean, who has reared his head on Earl's "Sunday" and Odd Future's "Oldie" to magnificent results.
Peep the clip below, originally made available on Frank's story.