Chuck E. Cheese is a place for children, a safe haven of sorts. Their slogan attests to this mission: "Where a kid can be a kid." Then again, adult drama seems to hit the chain anyway. Last weekend, a gun went off in a Washington location. Children and adults alike were frightened.
A 22-year-old patron caused the panic. He was rushed to the hospital after accidentally shooting himself in the leg while inside the restaurant.
The incident went down after 5 pm in Tacoma. The customers were startled at the sound of the gunshot. Nick Jones, a father of a 4-year-old, commented on the hectic situation. Jones, along with many other individuals in attendance, were celebrating a child's birthday at the time.
"A bunch of people started running down towards the end and then they said somebody has a gun, so everybody starts running."
The man who shot himself is said to be on his way to a full recovery.
Police specified that the firearm was brought to the restaurant legally. The clumsy guy has a license to carry a concealed gun. Parents were still upset that a gun was anywhere near a location that caters to children in the first place. Chuck E. Cheese has yet to make a statement.