Heisman Winner Kyler Murray Issues Apology For "Homophobic Tweets"

BYDevin Ch4.6K Views
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Kyler Murray is the latest public figure to face the consequences of past mistakes.

Hours after receiving the highest honor in College Football, Kyler Murray has taken a page out of Kevin Hart's book in deleting a bunch of homophobic tweets from that he posted between 2011-12. Coincidentally, it was on Twitter that he issued his apology, as he hopes to start his pro career on the right foot.

In the Twitter apology, Kyler Murray explained his innocence by pointing to the fact he was 14 and 15 when the tweets were posted, at which point he did not understand the gravity of the situation or the weight of his words. Murray nevertheless showed remorse for using offensive language, and needlessly spewing hate speech, in light of the circumstances.

Kyler Murray wouldn't be the first athlete in his sport, forced to revisit past transgressions. In 2018 and beyond, facing consequences is a part of a public figure's daily life, even though many seem to "get away with murder" at the expense of less notable figures. Current Buffalo Bills' quarterback was in a similar situation as the Kyler Murray is currently faced with. A bunch of racist and homophobic tweets from his past were unearthed, forcing him to publicly address the issue with ESPN's Stephen A. Smith in the moments leading up to the NFL Draft.

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