In celebration of 90 years of Mickey Mouse, Vault by Vans and Disney have collaborated with four iconic artists including John Van Hamersveld, Mister Cartoon, Geoff McFetridge and Taka Hayashi, for one-of-a-kind artwork featuring the beloved Disney character. Each artist's artwork was then applied to one of Vans’ iconic silhouettes, the OG Sk8-Hi LX, as well as a short-sleeved t-shirt to accompany the release.
For instance, Van Hamersveld produces bright, punchy graphics featuring Mickey while legendary tattoo artist Mark Machado utilizes a black and grey illustration of the iconic mouse driving a vintage car. Geoff McFetridge captures Mickey Mouse in a unique pattern, highlighting his iconic colors – black, red and yellow. Lastly, Vans mainstay, Taka Hayashi, created a design that features an unexpected hit of pink, conveying a Mickey Mouse inspired hot air balloon.
The Disney x Vans collaboration retails from $78 to $100 and launches globally on Saturday, August 25 at select Vault by Vans accounts. Check out more details of the upcoming collection here: