Bad Bunny Delivers A Message Of Acceptance In The "Caro" Video

BYDevin Ch6.9K Views
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Bad Bunny's message of acceptance is imbued with real-life inspiration.

Puerto Rico is sweltering hot right now. With Ozuna outing himself as the victim of an elaborate extortion plot involving an unlawful sex tape, Bad Bunny and several other progressive thinkers in the Commonwealth have spoken out in favor of sexual freedom. Bad Bunny's newest video drop off his X 100PRE debut makes the case for gender fluidity through his civic action on Twitter: "homophobia at this point? what a shame" he wrote but two days ago on Twitter, right before his "Caro" went to press. 

But that's not all, Bad Bunny has shown his allyship towards the LGBQT community by presenting a perplexing image of masculinity suffused with feminine tropes. In "Caro," a woman plays the part of "Bad Bunny" while he sings along in the control room. There's even a moment in the video where he receives a manicure in a mansion. Bad Bunny also greenlights a series of life-affirming vignettes showcasing people with special needs, disabilities, whose oppression begs for a new understanding. Acceptance is the message, there's no way around it.

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