It looks like some thieves got away with some unreleased music from Quality Control Tuesday night after they stole a car in Atlanta. QC’s CEO Pierre "Pee" Thomas took to his IG a little while ago and explained that some guys stole a Dodge Journey from a gas station in Atlanta, but what they didn’t know was that it was QC’s engineer’s vehicle and in it was a hard drive wth a ton of music on it. Pee wasn’t so much mad about the robbery, saying he understands the hustle, but wanted the hard drive back and would offer $20,000 as a reward to anyone would could return it.
“Attention: Atlanta whoever just jumped in the Dodge Journey and stole the car at the Chevron on Northside Dr. That was my engineer car with an important hard drive in it. I know you just doing what you do and Im not knocking your hustle cause I use to steal cars in the 90’s. I have 20K cash money for the hard drive back.”
Of course there’s no word as for how much music was on there or from who exactly, but the severity of its reward makes it sound that it’s rather serious.
Check out Pee's reward post (below).