50 Cent will take any opportunity to bask in victory, especially if it hinges on a friendly wager. Back in August, Nicki Minaj released her answer to all the stuffy testosterone in the rap medium, her song "Barbie Dreams." Among the male rapper to receiving a minor-rub was 50 Cent, for his incessant ramblings about his cable television hit Power.
"I tried to fuck 50 for a powerful hour
But all that n**** wanna do is talk Power for hours," rapped Nicki.
Out of all the suspected victims in "Barbie Dreams," 50 Cent may have escaped with the highest bone density, her two lines passing for cross-promotion more than anything else, it's the NY way. For that, 50 thanked her via social media, and has since formulated an answer of his own, now that Power has increased its viewership by 42 percent.
The media savant penned his untimely response to Nicki's boastful claims on "Barbie Dreams" by insisting the pillow talk was worth the trouble now that Power has ascended to number one among premium networks, no thanks to Kendrick.
Next to the celebratory figures, 50 Cent made sure to mention his Chemin du Roi venture, as is always the case on the social media platform.