Earlier this month, Kim Kardashian used her fame to do something positive, and convinced Donald Trump to grant clemency to Alice Marie Johnson, a grandmother who was serving life without parole for a first-time, non-violent drug offense.
While Kim going to meet Trump in the White House was seen as a controversial move by some, it's obvious that Kim accomplished her goal in navigating the political process and getting Alice her freedom back. In an interview with CNN's Van Jones, Kim says that she's not finished advocating for imprisoned women, and that she could see herself potentially running for political office one day.
"I honestly saw that if I could use my platform just to do something for one person," Kim said. "It opens the conversation for so much more and for other people to want to do the same thing."
Kim continued, "I just want to help, starting with one person at a time. I think sometimes if more people would just put their personal feelings aside and talk about really important issues that have to be discussed, then so much more can get done."
If one really wants to make sweeping change, than the most effective way to do so is on a political level. Alice Marie Johnson was just one woman out of many who are currently suffering from unjust convictions. When Jones asked if Kim would ever consider running for office herself, she stated, "I guess never say never, but that’s not going to be like, 'Kim’s running.' That’s not where I am."
At this rate, should we be expecting to see a Kanye West/Kim Kardashian ticket on the ballot for the 2020 election?