Kim Kardashian Shifts Focus On Another Case For Prison Reform

BYMilca P.4.9K Views
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Kim Kardashian wants authorities to take a closer look at a 35-year old homicide case.

Two weeks after getting president Donald Trump to grant clemency to inmate Alice Marie Johnson who spent 21 years of a life sentence behind bars for drug charges, Kim Kardashian is already looking toward maintaining her momentum in the fight for prison reform.

Now, Kardashian is focusing her efforts on Kevin Cooper, a death row inmate convicted of a 1983 quadruple homicide.

Linking to an article written by the New York Times on questions about Cooper’s innocence, Kardashian addressed California Governor Edmund Brown and asked him to have a DNA test run in the case.

The article, an opinion piece written by journalist Nicholas Kristof, explores the possibility of police tampering with DNA in the case.

"The evidence of police tampering is overwhelming," Kristof writes. "When lawyers working on Cooper’s appeal asked for DNA testing on a T-shirt believed to belong to the killer, the lab found Cooper’s blood on the shirt—but also something astonishing: The blood had test tube preservative in it! In other words, it appeared to have come from the supply of Cooper’s blood drawn by the police and kept in a test tube."

Appearing on the Van Jones show this weekend, Kardashian opened up about the months-long process she underwent to have Alice Marie Johnson freed, explaining that she felt a need to use he platform for something meaningful, even if it just meant helping one person.

“It opens the conversation for so much more and for other people to want to do the same thing,” she said, "I just want to help, starting with one person at a time. I think sometimes if more people would just put their personal feelings aside and talk about really important issues that have to be discussed, then so much more can get done."


Kim Kardashian Shifts Focus On Another Case For Prison Reform
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