Mariah Carey Flaunts Her Banging Body & Her Shirtless Man On A Yacht

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The couple's good looks are overflowing

Mariah Carey is proud of her stud of a boyfriend and likely prouder of her trim figure. After seemingly struggling with her weight for a few years, Carey seems to have found a sweet spot. The singer posted visuals displaying her slim body to her socials. She is shown wearing a clingy maxi dress, with her leg propped up with the help of her boo, backup dancer Bryan Tanaka.

A source says the diva has been making many sacrifices in order to achieve her body goals.

"Mariah has been working with a personal trainer and a nutritionist to shed pounds and get her body back to amazing shape [...] Mariah loves smoked salmon and capers, so she eats a lot of that lean protein, but the secret to her success has been the one thing she cut out almost completely, and that is processed sugar." 

This comes in addition to reports of her undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in November of 2017. The procedure consists of the removal of 75 percent of the stomach's mass. Regardless of which of those methods proved to be most effective, Mariah is gaining back the body she had before the birth of her twins which is a win for the glamorous mother. 

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