Justin Beiber Imposter Sentenced To Prison For Child Porn Charges

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The conman lured his victim by posing as the singer.

Justin Bieber fans were targeted by an objectively perverse individual a few years ago. Bryan Asrary had posed as the celebrity and engaged with minors in a disgusting pursuit. The man is now facing time behind bars for his actions.

Asrary was arrested in 2017 for coercing a 9-year-old girl to send him nude pictures of herself in 2014. He had zeroed in on the victim via Beiber's Instagram page. The criminal sent the girl private messages claiming to be able to arrange a meeting for her and the singing sensation. Later, he posed as the pop star himself.

While pretending to be the "Sorry" artist, Asrary demanded naked photos from the child and threaten to hurt her if she didn't accept to do so. The girl complied with his demands, sending him photos and videos.

On Friday, Asrary was sentenced to serve 44 months in state prison after pleading no contest to two counts of child pornography charges in addition to two counts of contacting a minor to commit a felony. There is no word on whether he will face more consequences for impersonating the star with this intent.

This takes one gross individual off the internet for the time being. There is likely more of these people around, so careful out there, y'all.

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