Saba looks set to ride his own wave to virtual unanimity. His latest single "Excited," infers a lot of things, none of which come easy. The cover shot of Saba at the eye-level, sitting in his car, is about as literal a descriptor of "longing" as one could muster without using verbal language. The early reggae said it more delicately when they sang, "Yes, I'm sitting right her/ Waiting for you my dear. I'm a wondering if you're ever/Ever gonna show up." Inevitably several words of those cues were misplaced over the course of many decades, and the tone has shifted, the message of "longing" is nevertheless the same.
Saba is a conscientious learner, and it would be unwise not to pay his work, the same respect or attention. His beat selection, especially on "Excited," employs elements that are completely dissociative, but not entirely so. Saba gives his listener just enough "volume" to make them feel welcome, enough so acclimate themselves to new sounds and flows, all in due time. Here's to hoping an "Excited" Saba gets whats coming to him.
Quotable Lyrics:
Got the sh*t down to a science yeahhh
I get so excited
I do not need no diamonds
We do not wait - not righteous yeahh
I get so excited.