One of the most difficult things to do in your life is to simply be honest with yourself. LGBT people feel the need to hide their true selves on a daily basis due to how they are perceived by a primarily heterosexual population. In the music industry, it can be even more difficult as people judge you on an incredibly wide scale, leading many celebrities to present differently than how they feel on the inside. One woman unafraid to show her true colors is Kehlani. Recently reactivating her Twitter account, the singer specified her sexual orientation since, as she explained, she kept getting asked.
In her eyes, "errybody fine" as she revealed her orientation as a queer woman. While she has deleted the original tweet elaborating on her sexuality due to concerns that her explanation may offend people, she listed off what she finds attractive about people. "I’m attracted to women, men, REALLY attracted to queer men, non binary people, intersex people, trans people. lil poly pansexual papi hello good morning," wrote Lani before clarifying that she is the least attracted to heterosexual men. Insisting that she loves to open up to people, the Twitter revelation allows Kehlani to be herself in the future, creating authentic music without feeling a need to hide behind gender norms.
Included below are several of her tweets explaining her sexuality for those of you who are curious.