Will Smith is known for having fun on his Instagram, but he really did something special this time.
In an Instagram video posted Sunday, the 49-year-old actor is seen on board a boat and showing off his salsa skills to the tune of Mark Anthony's "Vivir Mi Vida". What truly makes this special, however, is that Mark Anthony himself is right next to him, showing him how to dance like a salsa legend.
The two really get into it, and when Will hits that last move, Mark gets to excited that he jumps on to Will's back. It clearly meant a lot to Will as well, as he captioned the post "#BucketList - Salsa Lessons from @MarkAnthony... ✔️ I just realized this is my 100th Post - Thank You All! Let’s Go Get the next 💯". The excitement the two share is what truly makes this a special moment.
Will had already made an appearance in Miami, where he took the stage at the Ultra Music Festival to dance to, fittingly, his 1997 hit song "Miami". DJ Marshmello also brought him on stage for a surprise performance.
While Will was famously born and raised in West Philadelphia, he's had a long history with the city of Miami. From the aforementioned single to his starring role in the two Bad Boys films, Will has always been showing Miami love.
In an Instagram post following his appearance alongside Marshmello, he wrote, "I LOVE MIAMI!!", and he's certainly been making the most of his time there.
You can check out Will and Mark's moves for yourself down below.