Parkland Shooter Says Voice In His Head Told Him To Kill: "Burn, Kill, Destroy"

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The transcripts of Nikolas Cruz's interrogation have been released.

The brutal shooting that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14th is still a very sensitive event to be discussed by many. Seventeen people were gunned down and killed by 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz and just yesterday the interrogation between Nikolas and Detective John Curcio was released, that details disturbing confessions by the suspect.

The interrogation took place just after Nikolas was arrested by the police and the transcripts have over 11 hours of conversation where Nikolas is told to speak up while providing one worded answers and a few head nods. As reported by Time, one part of the transcript that's most troubling is Nikolas detailing how a voice in his head - “the evil side” - is what told him to do the school shooting.  

Apparently, the voice is a male, about his age and it appeared after his father died about 15 years ago and got worse after his mother died in November. 

Curcio asked what the voice told him.

“Burn. Kill. Destroy,” Cruz responded.

“Burn, kill, destroy what?” the detective asked.

“Anything,” Cruz responded.

“The voice is in here,” he said, apparently pointing to his head. “And then it’s me. It’s just regular me trying to be a good person.” 

As we previously posted, Nikolas made a few chilling videos before his attack, explaining his plans to kill. 

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