Net Neutrality Ends Today, But The Fight To Protect Internet Speeds Rages On

BYKarlton Jahmal3.4K Views
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Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive officer of Facebook, holds a press conference at their headquarters, May 26, 2010 in Palo Alto, California. Zuckerberg outlined Facebook's new privacy control methods.
Is net neutrality official dead?

The Obama Era laws protecting net neutrality are finally gone. The Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules was voted on last year, and it finally comes into effect today (June 11). Net neutrality rules were created for two reasons. The first would be protecting users from bias caused by internet providers, who would be able to offer faster services to companies that paid them more. The second concern for users is the bundling of services. For example, users who oppose the repeal of net neutrality fear that internet providers will start bundling services like Facebook and Instagram together, in the same way cable companies bundle certain channels together for a price. According to The New York Timesthese are the rules that were repealed:

*Blocking- Internet service providers can not discriminate against any lawful content by blocking websites or apps.

*Throttling- Service providers could not slow the transmission of data because of the nature of the content, as long as it was legal.

*Paid Prioritization- Service providers could not create an internet fast lane for companies and consumers who paid premiums, and a slow lane for those who didn’t.

There are a few states that are battling the repeal of net neutrality within their own governments, both New York and Washington have already passed legislation that stops or discourages internet providers from favoring content. California is currently in the process of passing a similar law, which will give users stricter protections that those under the Obama Era net neutrality rules. According to WiredComcast, the nation's largest broadband provider, is momentarily forbidden from violating net neutrality rules under the terms of the government's approval of its 2011 acquisition of NBC Universal. That restriction ends in September. Charter, the second-largest home broadband provider, is also required to uphold net neutrality until 2023 under the terms of its acquisition of Time Warner Cable in 2016. Congress is still fighting to uphold net neutrality, and states continue to find ways to enact their own laws regarding the controversial regulations. 

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