Delays and pushbacks are becoming more and more commonplace, and fans recently learned that Tyga would be releasing his upcoming studio album Hotel California, a few weeks later than earlier reported. Now, T-Raww reveals that it was pushed back just to give extra time to clear some important samples he felt needed to make the LP.
Talking to VIBE TV about why he decided to move the release date to April 9th, the 187 rapper says it was to clear samples, and also rise pre-orders, “The reason we decided to push it back is because I got a couple samples I feel are really important, and sometime with samples you don’t know. It could take anywhere from two weeks to three weeks to clear, or it could take a month and a half to clear. I just want to give myself enough amount of time, and get my pre-orders up.”
Asked about what sample(s) he was waiting on, Tyga would not say, but did mention it is something fans might not expect, “The sample I’m waiting to get cleared is something really really legendary...just something people aren’t gonna expect.”
The rapper says the sound for this album is a meld of classic 90s hip hop, with the modern sound, “Hotel California is a lot of samples, it’s a lot of early 90s feel to it...just a lot of the more current sound. I really dug deep...but still making it current. “